P-day Ping Pong |
I bet Jaren is super excited to see his first full season of NFL since his mission!!! haha.
I can’t believe Tanner is home!! I didnt even realize it but he looks just like my MTC companion without red hair. Tason has a baby??? Is this his first? That is so cool!
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Elder Tanner Beck (Elder Hackleman's cousin), see's his nephew, Tayson's son, for the first time at the airport upon his arrival home from his mission. |
This week was pretty good. It is kind of hard with my new companion. I guess when I got here, all I wanted to do was be the greatest missionary on the planet so even when I got discouraged because I couldn’t speak the language, that just motivated me to work harder. Now it pains me to see somebody who has it so easy. One day I took out my journal and showed my comp my list of baptisms I have. I told him if he wants to have a list like that one day, then he should start trusting in me as his companion, but more importantly trusting in the promises of the Lord if we are obedient. One thing I have learned is that in the mission, everybody thinks that companionship's are made up of two, but they usually forget the third companion, the Holy Ghost. If we don’t have that with us, why are we here? I guess this is the Lord telling me, 'whoa there Elder Hackleman! Slow down there! Time to learn some patience!' so I guess I accept it;) anyways, I’ll stop complaining now.
Last week we did something pretty cool! Some random guy contacted me in the street and asked if we could pass by another day to talk! Obviously I said, “por su puesto!” When we passed by, we found out he was a doctor who sells natural medicines. He also has a radio show he does 4 times a week. He wanted to know what our church’s stance is with drugs etc. I shared with him the Word of Wisdom. He thought it was so interesting he invited me on his Radio show. I got special permission, and me and my comp went on the air!! He asked us questions about our church specifically about the Word of Wisdom. He then asked me how many times I have taken a sip of alcohol in my life. When I said never he followed up with the same question about drugs. When the answer was the same, he said he wants to do a survey with all the youth in Mexico to see how many of them could answer in the same way I did. He said that on average, only about 2 or 3 percent of the youth could say they have never done those things. He then backed us up medically specifically about why coffee is bad for you. I’m sure that one struck to the core of many people here because the coffee industry is HUGE here! In fact I am pretty sure my favorite TV show, Dangerous Grounds came here. Then he asked us a lot of questions that he said were 'misconceptions a lot of people have about the Mormon Church'. Things like how we don’t practice polygamy? At the end of the radio broadcast, I invited anybody who wanted to learn more to call me, and then invited everyone to church that Sunday! We immediately started getting calls from people just thanking us for being examples to the youth in Mexico. It was pretty cool! The guy said anytime we want, we can do it again. He said we can go on the radio and invite people to activities we are having in the church if we want, or we can just share a message. I had a good:)
That is all for now. Gotta go prepare my district class. Love you mommieieieie!!!
Elder Hackleman
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Amy wrote:
Dear Elder,
Well, it was a wonderful day yesterday, Nathan, Jaren, Collin, and Nick sang four part harmony during Sacrament meeting. They sang "Come Thou Fount". It was beautiful! Jaren didn't really want to sing but I was able to talk him into it and I'm sure glad I did.
Bishop Burton was released from being a bishop yesterday as well. Then after church we had a parents meeting for football. Tim had a meeting so he wasn't able to go so I took Jaren with me. It really got him pumped up, he wanted to jump in. Maybe he will end up coaching some day. Anyone who loves football that much needs to find something to do with it that's for sure. Working this summer building decks has done a number on his knees. It has made him realize he will never be able to play again on a competitive level. He is pretty strong though after lifting and building. He asked me Saturday if I thought his shoulders were as big as yours now. I just laughed at him and I think I hurt his feelings. Your dad said, oh, he might be getting close. Oh, bless his heart.
We are gearing up for the wedding on Saturday. Nathan, Jaren and I will be heading out after he gets off work tonight. We plan on driving to Ft. Collins tonight and on to Utah tomorrow. Your dad and Grant are coming on Wed. with a rental truck pulling a U-Haul with Jaren's stuff.
I will make sure to take a lot of pictures for you:)
So what is happening to you this week? I love to hear all your stories!
Dear Dad,
I still cant believe my brother is getting married... freak! tell uncle Jeff he needs to send me an email with a few tips on how to be a good uncle because I'm sure it won't be long until Jaren and Chelsey have a baby ha ha! I am going to have to start practicing my uncle Jeff imitation! oh how do I remember all those late nights at bear lake, almost choking to death on my own laughter:) I am so excited for my older but smaller brother. It is the only way to obtain the highest grade of glory in the celestial kingdom after all.
Anyways, life is good here! Just getting ready to talk to Elder Christofferson. That will be the fourth apostle I will have met in my mission! I'm so happy:)
Something pretty cool happened last week! I was sitting waiting for a bus, when somebody behind me said 'whats up buddy'? It took me a minute to register that somebody was talking to me IN ENGLISH. haha that was crazy! So I turn around and meet a gringo who just happens to be from Utah! He started asking me how the mission was going and how many members we have here and stuff! He then said he just moved here a couple of months ago when he got married to his wife (who is from here). I asked him if he met her on his mission, (assuming he was an ex missionary). Turns out he isn't even a member!! What the clank! He is from Utah for Petes sake! Anyways, I got their information and everything and we are going to go share a message. I totally want to baptize him! I could baptize a gringo in my mission! That would be sooooooooooo sick:)
Life is good here daddy. Just take care of my jare bear.
Love you!
Elder Hackleman
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Tim wrote:
Dear Elder,
We had a great week! Guess what!!! Bishop Burton was released yesterday! The new Bishop was his 1st Councilor, Bro. Fokken.
Also, I attached a photo of our ward program from yesterday. Notice the "special musical number"? They did fantastic!
Well, Jaren is officially moving out tonight. Your mom, Jaren and Nathan are heading to Utah tonight after Jaren gets off work. They'll spend the night at Grandma's of course. Grant and I will load a U-Haul trailer and tow it out using a rental truck on Wednesday. I think the boys and I are going to stay with Uncle Jeff on Thursday night after we unload the trailer at Jaren and Chelsey's apartment. Uncle Jeff is going to help me make about 500 mini sandwiches at his place while your mom makes the Wedding cake and cupcakes at Jaren's place. By this time next week, you'll have a sister-in-law!
Grant starts football practice today! He twisted his ankle on Friday so he had to go in early today to get it wrapped. Nathan earned enough money to pay for his Titanium stuff this year. That really helped us out a lot! In fact, he earned enough for so that he has a little extra for clothes if he wants.
How was your week? What new adventures in sharing the Gospel did you have? I feel so bad that you aren't here for the Wedding, but I know the Lord will bless you for your sacrifice. I can't believe that you have already been out a year! How is your health??
I love you so much Peanut. Be careful and keep working hard!
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