Seth is on a Spanish Speaking Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
2 More Days Until Elder Hackleman Comes Home!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Happy Father's Day From Mexico!
On Fathers day in the church, all the priesthood received a special fathers day lunch:) Even though I am not a father, they still invited me! It was awesome:) |
Happy Father's Day! |
I'm going home in a week so my friend made me my favorite meal, Empanada's!
One of the sisters knew this would be the last time I would eat with her so she asked me what i wanted and I told her Empanadas'!!!! |
She made me tons of them.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Look on the bright side!
We climbed to the top of this hill to look for a member we haven't seen for a long time. We didn´t find him, but on the bright side, we got a good view of the city! haha |
I found this behind the driver of the city bus. Above, it says "Christ protects this bus" haha |
Beautiful Mexico!
We found this really, really pretty lagoon.
Elder Hackleman, Missionary in Mexico! |
You Know You Are A Missionary In Mexico When...
Quote by Elder Hackleman: "You know you are a missionary in Mexico, when you run out of food on Sunday so you make PB&J quesadillas!!! hahaha changed my life! |
Anyways that is so awesome you guys are running all over the plays in the different wards! Hacklemans always leave their marks! haha.
Tell Jared he will have to teach me all of the problems he has fixed so I can do it next time! That is quite a blessing that he came out!!! I can´t wait to see him. Has he gone to Stellas yet????
I sure do love you mommy! I know I have failed you on pictures lately. But I have some today that I will send:)
Ok I will tell you about an adventure we had this week. So we have a guy who goes to church every Sunday, lives the commandments and everything but never wanted to get baptized. In fact he gets very offended when somebody even brings up baptism. Missionaries for YEARS have tried so many things to convince this guy to get baptized. When I found out about him, I was like well I have to give it a try! I went over to his house and didn´t even bring up baptism. I figured our purpose as missionaries is to help people increase their faith in Christ right? If I can accomplish that, then I have fulfilled my calling, even if he doesn´t get dunked. So I went over and told him I was new in the area and wanted to get to know the members in that neighborhood. I asked him if we could have a family home evening in his house to get to know a couple of families. He said sure but he had never done one before so I explained it to him and told him to think about what day and he could tell us at church on Sunday. He came up to me in church and said he wanted to do it Wednsday so we invited a super awesome and powerful family and a recent convert. They don´t have a big house so we didn´t want to invite too many people. Anyways, we show up and this guy and his wife, (who is a member), had cleaned up their house and prepared a few treats and everything! He was all dressed up and ready to go! As we were waiting for the other family to get there, he saw some kids playing in the street. He went out and said "hey you guys want to watch a movie about God?" and they were like sure! He invited them all in, (there was about 7 of them haha). He bought them some pop, and everything haha. Anyways, we put some Mormon messages on so that everyone could see and out of nowhere the Brother just started like instructing the kids. "You guys have to do this and this and that! God will bless you if you do! In fact, I am going to pass by for you all to take you to church this week! Make sure to tell your moms!" It was pretty awesome and at the end when everybody left, I told him "Brother Pedro! You are an awesome missionary! How cool would it be if all those kids get baptized! In fact, YOU should baptize them!" He looked at me for a minute and then he was like "well I can´t baptize them because I haven´t been baptized yet either!" So I told him "so when are you going to do it, so you can be prepared for them??" Now Brother Pedro has a baptismal date:) So excited!!!!! He is so awesome:)
I hope all is well!!!!
Elder Hackleman
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 7:53 AM, Amy wrote:
Dear Elder,
I can't believe how close the time is getting. We are getting so excited we can't even contain ourselves. What are your plans for the last couple of weeks of your mission?
We had a great day yesterday. We went to our ward's sacrament meeting. Then we left Nathan and Grant to finish church without us and Tim, Jared and I headed to the Walnut creek branch because Tim was speaking in their sacrament meeting. Jaren had to work from 5 am until about 10:00 so he ran home, got showered and then came to church with us as well. Your dad did a wonderful job speaking. After church was over we all went to Jaren's place in Nebraska city for Sunday dinner. Chelsey made taco salad for us all. It was yummy. We played a few games and then headed back home.
Grant is going to be flying out later in the week to go to your grandma's house. He will do some yard work and they also have a trip planned to Alaska. He will be gone up until almost the time you get back from your mission. Wow, it's crazy!
Nathan is going to Adam ondi ahman for an overnight campout with the Bell 2nd ward and the Cottonwood ward. They are going on Friday night.
Jared has been working on fixing up all the automatic problems around our house, which are many since our vehicles are so old. He fixed our riding lawn mower. It had about three major problems with it so we haven't been able to use it all year. We are having record breaking heat right now so it wasn't a moment too soon. Push mowing in this heat is really for the birds. The thermostat is about to go out on the trailblazer as well so he will work on that today. What a blessing!
I can't wait to hear from you!
Elder Hackleman Loves Birds!
That is soo cool that Jared will be there when I get home! That is so weird we are back in Bellevue 2nd ward.
Anyways, today was pretty uneventful. we didn´t do much. we just had tons of stuff to do for this thingy for the passport thing of my comp. does that make sense? I think I have completely forgotten how to English.
I can´t wait to go to the zoo again! This week I thought of our time we spent there right before I came out. remember the bird thingy where we had the bird food stuff and we fed them it? It was cool! I found my future pet this week. His name is Mapache. I attached the pictures:)
I can´t believe I am going home soon! I feel like I have so much work to do still... we have so many families I am worried I won´t be able to get baptized before I go... oh well. I will leave them ready for my comp.
I sure do love you! Tell the elders I said hi! and all the family!
Elder hackleman
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Amy wrote:
Dear Elder,
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Jared and Grant at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo |
What in the heck is going on? How are you doing? I can't believe how close it is to you coming home. What do you still have planned to do before you come home?
Things are going good here. Last week I went to Idaho, as I mentioned last Monday. I worked for Joel for a week scanning documents getting them digitized so he can shred the paper files. I also picked up Jared and brought him home with us.
We are having a good time with him. He went to church with us yesterday to Bellevue 2nd ward. It was weird to be back in that ward. It has really turned over a lot and not many people are the same that we knew before when we were in the ward.
What are your plans for today?
We are going to go to the zoo, and then come home and get dinner ready. We are having the missionaries over for dinner. Bellevue ward has a set of sisters and a set of elders. We are having the elders over. Nathan and Grant are excited to have elders again.
I can't wait to hear from you today!
Things are going good here. Last week I went to Idaho, as I mentioned last Monday. I worked for Joel for a week scanning documents getting them digitized so he can shred the paper files. I also picked up Jared and brought him home with us.
We are having a good time with him. He went to church with us yesterday to Bellevue 2nd ward. It was weird to be back in that ward. It has really turned over a lot and not many people are the same that we knew before when we were in the ward.
What are your plans for today?
We are going to go to the zoo, and then come home and get dinner ready. We are having the missionaries over for dinner. Bellevue ward has a set of sisters and a set of elders. We are having the elders over. Nathan and Grant are excited to have elders again.
I can't wait to hear from you today!
Letter from future Bishop!
Hi Seth:
Not to get you too trunky, but wanted to reach out as bishop of the YSA ward. Your parents were in our ward a few weeks ago, and said that you were wondering which ward to be in when you get home from your mission. I will tell you the answer, and that is the YSA ward. We have a great environment here. Two YSA wards meet overlapping so we have over 100 YSA’s (and lot’s of girls, but you are not supposed to be thinking about that). We really need you too.
Well, keep serving well and trust the Lord. I look forward to seeing you when you get done.
Nathan Biggs
Not to get you too trunky, but wanted to reach out as bishop of the YSA ward. Your parents were in our ward a few weeks ago, and said that you were wondering which ward to be in when you get home from your mission. I will tell you the answer, and that is the YSA ward. We have a great environment here. Two YSA wards meet overlapping so we have over 100 YSA’s (and lot’s of girls, but you are not supposed to be thinking about that). We really need you too.
Well, keep serving well and trust the Lord. I look forward to seeing you when you get done.
Nathan Biggs
Elder Hackleman Loves the Huatusco Branch!
Huatusco Branch, Mexico! |
Flying High In Mexico!
Hey mommy! So I assume you got my flight plans! I wish I could just go straight to Omaha and not have to go through Detroit, but oh well, life goes on.
So this week has been... crazy. I think more has happened to me in this one week, then has happened in my entire mission. I have been doing some pretty crazy new ideas in the zone to try and animate, teach, and encourage the missionaries here. I kind of feel bad because my own area is not that great. I have been so focused in helping everyone else, that I haven´t even really been in my area. I decided when I left the offices that I have accomplished more than I even imagined when I got to the mission, and that it was time to focus on others rather than on myself. I hope by the end of this week, the other areas will be at a point where I can start focusing a little more in mine, but if not, oh well. As elder Bednar says, it is time to turn outwards.
As for summer break! Clank! I didn´t realize that was coming up so fast! Tell nathan he should go apply for a job at Stellas so he can get me an awesome burger when I get home! haha
Bishop Decker is an amazing man. I have saved all of his letters. Tell him how much I love him! and when do you guys move wards??? Oh and speaking of which, I will forward you an email I received today... haha it cracked me up.
Oh and I literally laughed out loud when I saw that picture you sent. I need one of those badly.
So I finally am at an internet cafe where I can send pictures so I will try and get caught up:) I sure do love you.
I hope all is well
Elder Hackleman
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Mexico Mission had a visit from Elder Fallabela
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Elder Hackleman gets to meet Elder Fallabela! |
i sure do love you mom! tell the family hello for me!
ELder Hackleman
Missionaries Have Fun!
Being a missionary is a lot of work, but it doesn't take a lot of time to throw in a little fun along the way! |
pictures at subway with sister willingham!!!! Don´t tell her i gave her bunny ears... she might get mad! hahaha |
Do I know how to cook meat? Do Mexican's wear sombreros?
Hello most beloved mother of mine! Oh how i miss you:) I would like to start today´s letter with the story of the baptism we had:) Sheesh... where to begin. Ok so when my comp and i got to the area we are in now, one of the members sent us a reference of a single mom who had listened to the sister missionaries before. (this is the same one i have been talking about for a while now. the same one who's puppy died a couple weeks back haha) anyways, we passed by and she was very receptive but seemed a little too worried about her work and taking care of her daughters at the time to really commit to anything like going to church. But for some reason i felt like she just needed a little more of a push. so we kept going by. (the fact that she sells really good burgers and hot dogs at night also motivated us to pass by often haha.) After a while of some pretty careful commitment lessons, she finally agreed to go to church! ever since then she has not failed to go for even one sunday. Her conversion process has been similar to others in many ways. For example dropping coffee was a hard one for them. But the biggest one was keeping the sabbath day holy. She would go to church but she always kept her little hot dog stand open on sundays because that was the day she would earn the most. she was afraid to close because that made the difference for her in the week. anyways, we realized it was an important commandment that would bring many blessings so we taught that one to her really well. The next sunday (she didn´t close) she hardly sold anything. the following sunday she sold absolutely nothing. after that sunday she called us and said i will never open again on Sundays for the rest of my life! i know now that this is an important commandment. and so she has been closing every single sunday! (she got TONS of blessings for that one!)
So anyways, lots of things i can comment about her and her daughters (Oh they are the ones who through me my birthday party too! haha). but the thing is, we have basically been teaching them ever since we got to the area which was almost 4 months ago. normally when somebody takes so long to progress i just leave them and go find someone else. Ok that sounds harsh but the truth is, that is what we have to do with missionaries. only teach the people who accept us right? well this time i didnt feel like it was the right thing to do to leave this little family. my comp got a little mad at me at times because he was just like Dude they aren´t going to get baptized! everytime he told me that, i was just like Challenge Accepted! haha. Anyways it took a ton of work. But finally, we got them ready for baptism! Then we get a call from her on Thursday (the day before their baptism) saying her 10 year old daughter is super sick. throwing up all over the place and a whole bunch of other stuff. She said they still wanted to get baptized but they thought maybe it would be better to wait a little longer until she got feeling better. i was like not on my watch! or the Lord´s anyway! so we went running over there. it was chaos! the poor mom was running all over the place super stressed out because she had a bunch of customers at the door waiting for their hamburgers. For some reason the meat wasn´t holding up and the burgers just kept falling apart. she got even more stressed because she didn´t know what to do. it was not at a sell-able state. on top of all of that, her daughter threw up all over the floor and passed out on the bed. she was running all over the place to try and do like 10 things at once. So i was like yeah i should probably step in here... so i told her look take care of your daughter. she is number one priority. i will take care of the hamburger meat and the customers. she was like Do you know how to fix the meat? i was like Do Mexicans wear sombreros???
I looked at my companion and said Beast Mode Activated! (The sad part is he didn´t understand me because he speaks Portuguese haha). Anyways i ran over to the bowl of meat she was trying to form the hamburger pattys out of, and i could not figure out why they wouldn´t stick! she made them the exact same way she always did but for some reason it just wasn´t working that day. that is when it hit me. A thought came to mind, You have to out-think the opposition! so i was like clank... what would my mom do in a situation like this??? and then, as if you were actually present i basically heard you scream at me to put some freaking bread crumbs in the mix! so i was like what the clank. so my comp and i ran to the store right next door, bought some bread crumbs, threw it in the meat and then added 8 drops of super glue to make them stick really nicely! (just so you know i was kidding about the super glue... i hope you didn´t take me seriously on that part haha). anyways i threw those puppies on the grill and they held together like a champ! i served up the burgers and the customers said it was worth the wait because they were the best they had ever eaten! hahahaha oh boy. good ole concession stand days sure did come in handy! anyways, when the mom finished taking care of her daughter she came out and she was like where is everyone???? "i was all don´t worry they all left happy. Now lets talk about the Gospel."
So that was the minor miracle that happened. thanks to the help of you, mommiee, i saved the burgers! the greater miracle happened right afterwards. I explained to her how the same priesthood authority we use to baptize can be used to give blessings to heal the sick. she said she would love it if we could give her daughter one and that afterwards she was thinking about taking her to the emergency room because she had never seen her that sick before. (our bishop had passed by like an hour before we got there and dropped off some medication.) I told her to be patient and wait for the Hand of the Lord to bless her. we went in and i gave her a blessing. i told her to take the medication, to sleep and when she woke up she would feel much better for her baptism the next day. in the morning the next day, i called them to see how she was feeling. her mom said she was running around playing as if she never even got sick! she was so amazed at the drastic change of her health! i just told her never to doubt the Lord. When we are willing to follow His commandments, He will always be willing to help us accomplish them.
Needless to say, they both were SUPER excited about the baptism and the service went off without a hitch. (When i say "without a hitch" i mean that figuratively... like after i spent 4 hours trying to clean the baptismal font because everytime i turned the water on, cockroaches would come out. but after that, every thing went smoothly!!! haha:)
So it was a fun week:) Full of miracles. i can´t even begin to explain how thankful i am for the priesthood power on this earth. that day i thought a ton about my patriarchal blessing where it says i will be able to heal the sick and accomplish many things for the Lord. it truly was a blessing to be able to see how happy that family was when they came out of the water. they may not look that happy in the pictures because mexicans don´t like to smile in pictures, but hey! that is pretty good considering! haha. anyways the final part of the story was when the mom came up to us afterwards and thanked us for being so persistent with her. she said " i have nothing against the missionaries that came by before you guys but i just felt something different with you guys. i NEVER would have gone to church with the sisters because they wouldn´t have been able to give me the extra push you guys gave me." All the hard work, totally paid off:)
Ok so that is my storybook for this week:) I hope you enjoy:) I will try and send you a few more pictures also:) i sure do love yoU! I CAN´T WAIT TO SKYPE YOU ON MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)
Elder Hackleman
So that was the minor miracle that happened. thanks to the help of you, mommiee, i saved the burgers! the greater miracle happened right afterwards. I explained to her how the same priesthood authority we use to baptize can be used to give blessings to heal the sick. she said she would love it if we could give her daughter one and that afterwards she was thinking about taking her to the emergency room because she had never seen her that sick before. (our bishop had passed by like an hour before we got there and dropped off some medication.) I told her to be patient and wait for the Hand of the Lord to bless her. we went in and i gave her a blessing. i told her to take the medication, to sleep and when she woke up she would feel much better for her baptism the next day. in the morning the next day, i called them to see how she was feeling. her mom said she was running around playing as if she never even got sick! she was so amazed at the drastic change of her health! i just told her never to doubt the Lord. When we are willing to follow His commandments, He will always be willing to help us accomplish them.
Needless to say, they both were SUPER excited about the baptism and the service went off without a hitch. (When i say "without a hitch" i mean that figuratively... like after i spent 4 hours trying to clean the baptismal font because everytime i turned the water on, cockroaches would come out. but after that, every thing went smoothly!!! haha:)
So it was a fun week:) Full of miracles. i can´t even begin to explain how thankful i am for the priesthood power on this earth. that day i thought a ton about my patriarchal blessing where it says i will be able to heal the sick and accomplish many things for the Lord. it truly was a blessing to be able to see how happy that family was when they came out of the water. they may not look that happy in the pictures because mexicans don´t like to smile in pictures, but hey! that is pretty good considering! haha. anyways the final part of the story was when the mom came up to us afterwards and thanked us for being so persistent with her. she said " i have nothing against the missionaries that came by before you guys but i just felt something different with you guys. i NEVER would have gone to church with the sisters because they wouldn´t have been able to give me the extra push you guys gave me." All the hard work, totally paid off:)
Ok so that is my storybook for this week:) I hope you enjoy:) I will try and send you a few more pictures also:) i sure do love yoU! I CAN´T WAIT TO SKYPE YOU ON MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)
Elder Hackleman
Monday, June 13, 2016
Elder Hackleman's Sewing Skills Need Help!
I thought I would start off with yet another Elder Hackleman master piece. Sadly, my backpack ripped again... I am not sure why the stitching I gave it last time did not seem to hold!, but don´t worry this time I did it extra well. In fact, you may be able to see it in the background of the picture, I even added a little something called Kola Loka!!! It is the Mexican equivalent of Gorilla glue!!! That sucker aint goin anywhere!!!! Sometimes I wonder where I get my talents... and then I remember that I must be like a direct descendant of Adam or something because I feel like a boss when I finish stuff like this.
Ok the pride train has left. Just wanted to share this awesome picture. Please note, this entire letter is nothing but sarcasm. I'm a terrible seamster!
Hey mom! i have no idea why that happened in our house to be honest! and yeah i heard about the explosion... moms of missionaries have been calling in allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll week! "Is my son ok????" haha that didn´t even happen within our mission boundaries that was in the Mission Villa Hermosa. that is waaaaay south of here. but yeah that is too bad...
The General authority will be Elder Falabella!
Wow that is awesome about Nathans ACT! Congratulate him big time for me! he killed it! he will be able to receive so many scholarships with that score! Also i really hope he gets that job.
And for Grantish that is really cool that coach olsen offered him my number! i can´t believe he still remembers me haha. But tell grant to play what he loves, but that if he is always willing to play where the coach needs him, then he will become a starter super quick! good for him for working so hard! I love my little buddies!
I am so proud of them for helping out so much with the young men. they will be great missionaries!
I don´t know who xxxxxx is... i would probably recognize a picture. But you know me! i was on facebook like every day of my life. NOT! haha i don´t even remember who my friends are! that is cool though! actually the uncle of one of my buddies from papio south is the head coach so that wouldn´t surprise me if he was there.
I love the idea of the walls by the way! it looks like concrete! haha i will feel right at home when i get back because that is how all the walls here are!!
Keep sending me more pictures of the progress!
I sure do love you all! i am super proud of my little bros
On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Amy wrote:
ok, so today is a wonderful day. We have stake conference this evening and tomorrow your dad is speaking at stake conference. He went tot he church first thing this morning to set up chairs and then he came home and took Grant to the Ford's to mow the lawn. The exciting part of the day is we are going to the spring football game at Peru State. I am so excited! Oh, by the way, I saw on Sidney's facebook page that Dalton Schilz signed to play football for Peru state. I also saw that you are friends with him on Facebook. I can't think of who that is, but obviously you know him. There are a few Papio south kids on the team as well. I'm not sure who, because Jaren can't remember. We will try to scout it out today.
So I have been working on a remodel project in our house so it will be all spiffed up when you get home. When I was in Idaho I fell in love with Grandma Polly's room in the facility she is in. The wall texture was so cool. I looked at it real close and thought to myself, self, I could do that. It looks like a wall in a castle. I have been thinking about it ever since and decided to give it a try. Yesterday I bought a gallon of plaster and started slathering it up on the wall to make big splotches. After covering the entire wall, I painted over it with grey paint. I am switching from burnt orange to greys and purples. I know it sounds weird, but I think it is going to turn out nicely. It is only half way done right now, but I will take a picture and send it to you:)
Love Mom
Earthquake during the week of March 23, 2016
Thick dust everywhere! |
Everybody has helped her out so much so that she feels right at home in church! She sells hamburgers and hot dogs in the street for a living and she has been having a hard time keeping the Sabbath day holy. The problem is Sundays are the days she sells the most so she doesn´t want to give it up. Well God gave her a pretty strong testimony about that commandment. After we taught it to her, the next week she barely sold anything on Sunday. Then the following week she sold nothing. So after that she was like o.k. yeah I know this is real now! I will close from now on! But that week she was really worried because she didn´t earn much money. I mentioned it to the bishop and that night he went with his wife, all of his councilors and a few other brothers of the church and they all went and bought food from her! It was so cool. She was so thankful! Also we have a psychologist in our ward. She invited them over because one of the daughters is really struggling in school. So the psychologist had them over and talked with the mom and the daughter about things they can do so she improves in school! The mom came back crying because of how much she helped them! That was super amazing also! Anyways, a long story short, the ward has totally pulled through on this one! It makes the work sooooooooo much easier when we don´t have to do everything by ourselves! She will get baptized on Friday:) Super pumped!
This week was pretty normal again. (I mean normalish haha). We had a few special changes that are always stressful because of sister missionaries crying not wanting to leave their areas and such but apart from that, it went well! We sadly had to take a sister missionary home. She suffered from depression.
Hmm... I am trying to think of what else happened this week... haha. Honestly we are just preparing for these next couple of weeks. The 8th of May, we will be getting the visit of another general authority. I have been working on different survey type questions he sent president, my comp, and I to fill out. Normal questions like what we think the strong point in the mission is, the weak point, what the hardest part is, average number of baptisms, retention percentages and that kind of stuff! We are pretty excited to have him! He requested a special meeting with just the president and us if there is time before we take him to all of the zone conferences so that should be cool!
Anyways, I am loving life! Pretty crazy my number of weeks left is now in the single digits! Ugh!!!!!
I love you mommy:) You are the best mom I have ever had:)
Elder Hackleman
This week was pretty normal again. (I mean normalish haha). We had a few special changes that are always stressful because of sister missionaries crying not wanting to leave their areas and such but apart from that, it went well! We sadly had to take a sister missionary home. She suffered from depression.
Hmm... I am trying to think of what else happened this week... haha. Honestly we are just preparing for these next couple of weeks. The 8th of May, we will be getting the visit of another general authority. I have been working on different survey type questions he sent president, my comp, and I to fill out. Normal questions like what we think the strong point in the mission is, the weak point, what the hardest part is, average number of baptisms, retention percentages and that kind of stuff! We are pretty excited to have him! He requested a special meeting with just the president and us if there is time before we take him to all of the zone conferences so that should be cool!
Anyways, I am loving life! Pretty crazy my number of weeks left is now in the single digits! Ugh!!!!!
I love you mommy:) You are the best mom I have ever had:)
Elder Hackleman
Letter from Elder Hackleman 4-16-16
Hello my beloved mother! How beith thou? So let me just start out by saying I only have 10 weeks left:( And that means I have to send in some pictures so that the secretary can make the presentation he makes for each generation that goes home.... booo!:(( that makes me so sad. Anyways, I need three pictures from before the mission. Could you take a looksie and choose a bunch of them and send them to me so I can choose some? I think I definitely want the t-ball one. Thanks mommy!
Anyways, my week has been really great! We are working hard and should be having a couple of baptisms next week! Pretty excited about that! Honestly I don´t really have anything new... haha this week was just kind of normal. I didn´t even take pictures! I am sorry. I know I failed! But anyways, how did the baby reveal go last week? You never sent me any pictures!
Hey I was wondering, what ever happened to the Hadley's? I was looking at my blog and I saw pictures with Hanna and I was like clank! I miss that girl!
Anyways, today will be a pretty normal day also. Honestly the only thing that was somewhat exciting this week was I went to the airport a lot haha. Honestly this was the most I have ever gone in one week before! I went like 6 times!
So how is life in Nebraska? What has been going on lately? Anything new??
I sure do love you! Sorry this email is so short and boring! I can´t wait to hear from you though:)
Anyways, my week has been really great! We are working hard and should be having a couple of baptisms next week! Pretty excited about that! Honestly I don´t really have anything new... haha this week was just kind of normal. I didn´t even take pictures! I am sorry. I know I failed! But anyways, how did the baby reveal go last week? You never sent me any pictures!
Hey I was wondering, what ever happened to the Hadley's? I was looking at my blog and I saw pictures with Hanna and I was like clank! I miss that girl!
Anyways, today will be a pretty normal day also. Honestly the only thing that was somewhat exciting this week was I went to the airport a lot haha. Honestly this was the most I have ever gone in one week before! I went like 6 times!
So how is life in Nebraska? What has been going on lately? Anything new??
I sure do love you! Sorry this email is so short and boring! I can´t wait to hear from you though:)
The little puppy of one of our investigator families died this week... it was a pretty sad moment for them! It was a good excuse to teach the plan of salvation though:) |
Elder Hackelman loves pineapple juice in Mexico! 4-9-16
Elder Hackleman driking nector that fell from heaven.When comparing the pineapple in Hawaii with the pineapple in Mexico, I have to be honest, I would choose Mexcio's every day of the week. |
Hello beloved mother of mine:) Did you get back from Idaho ok? Sin ningun problema? How was it with Grandma Polly? This week I don´t have many pictures so I will attach them to the bottom of this letter:) So I absolutely loved the Missionary Suberbowl this week. Especially Pres Uchtdorfs talk! Although, I had to repent afterwards. When I was listening to his talk, I had to put Mosiah 3:19 into practice because I started thinking I would prove him wrong! I immediately started thinking to myself, self??? You CAN find the perfect wife, and she WILL want to marry you! haha. So when I do, I guess I will send president Uchtdorf a tweet saying I didn´t fall into peer pressure! haha:)
Anyways, the picture I attached was one of me drinking nectar that fell from heaven. We have an area in the mission called Ciudad Isla. It is FAMOUS for its pineapple. In fact, comparing it with the pineapple from Hawaii, I can´t lie, it is better down here. Anyways, whenever we have zone conferences, the missionaries that are there know that there only responsibility is to bring president Cordova and i a jug of their world famous pineapple juice. They never disappoint:)
This week was the official transfer week... and i think i am still trying to recover... haha. Sunday night was definitely the hardest. It was the first all nighter i have pulled in the mission! We were up until about 1 am doing some last minute changes to the transfer board before we announced everything early in the morning. But then we had to take the leaving generation to the airport by 2 am so they could cath their flight at 4 am. then the NEW generation that came in, got their at the airport at 6 am. after that we have to give them the Welcome to the Mission training session and assign them to their trainers. and then we had to do all the normal transfer stuff. anyways, that probably doesn´t sound like it is that intense... but believe me. it was. so i didn´t sleep very much this week. Last night i slept so good though! I feel like superman again!:) It was pretty awesome to see the Lord help me out this week. Especially when the heat wave came through... Sometimes i felt like i was just floating along haha. But now i am in the sweet air conditioned heaven that is the offices, so i am enjoying the moment:)
So how is life in Omaha? Anything interesting happen? How was the family in Idaho? I sure do love you!
Elder Hackleman
Lot's of my Cousins had babies while I've been in Mexico!
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Kylnn is Kristen's new baby |
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Grandma Polly and I visited Collin at work. |
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Grandma Polly's new digs! |
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Sophie was being shy and didn't want to be in the picture. |
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Ky and Natalie love Kristen's kids! |
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Zerrick is getting so big. |
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Kasey stopped by while I was at Pollyanna's house. |
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Kimber had a new little baby a couple of days before I arrived. |
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This is Kira's little tike. |
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Kylynn makes me smile! |
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Macey's cutie! |
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Grandma Polly has a lot of grandchildren! |
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I finally got Sophie to be in a picture, only on the condition that she hide behind her favorite picture. |
That is so awesome! At least you didn´t have to sleep in a ditch like Jaren did right? haha. So I did not get transferred haha. I guess it is still possible because the actual transfers are on Monday, but it is looking like I will stay for one more change haha:) So you went out to stay with grandma, or just to take her to Omaha?
This week was pretty crazy. We finished up zone conferences, but then we had leadership council with all of the zone leaders and sister training leaders. I feel like I am always doing some sort of leadership training which is great! I love doing it! This week we have the newbies coming in again so I will get to do that one. I don´t think a single week has gone by where I haven´t had to do one actually! I have been taking "classes" from president Cordova:) I have been having him teach me all of his techniques that he used to teach as the Mexico President of Institute. It surprised him because he was teaching me some techniques the other day, and then the following day I used them in the leadership council. Afterwards he was like you made that look so natural, as if I hadn´t just barely taught you that! haha. I really love that man. I have so much respect for him it isn´t even funny.
Anyways, I am SOOOOO excited for conference. We are going to watch it here in the offices:) I bought some snacks and goodies and we are just going to have a little mini super bowl party:) It is weird how much my love for conference has grown. I guess it is something about how we get to listen to a prophet of God that gets me a little excited:)
Well I hope you have a safe flight! Tell grandma that Amy´s fun son from the zoo loves her to death!:)
Elder Hackleman
On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Amy wrote:
Well I am currently on a shuttle bus heading to the airport. I flew to Idaho to visit with mom. My flight back has an overnight layover in Denver so I spent the night with your grandma and caught a shuttle from the Loveland airport. I can't wait to be home. Here I am holding kimbers new little baby.
So what's happening with you? Did you get transferred?
I love you tons!
This week was pretty crazy. We finished up zone conferences, but then we had leadership council with all of the zone leaders and sister training leaders. I feel like I am always doing some sort of leadership training which is great! I love doing it! This week we have the newbies coming in again so I will get to do that one. I don´t think a single week has gone by where I haven´t had to do one actually! I have been taking "classes" from president Cordova:) I have been having him teach me all of his techniques that he used to teach as the Mexico President of Institute. It surprised him because he was teaching me some techniques the other day, and then the following day I used them in the leadership council. Afterwards he was like you made that look so natural, as if I hadn´t just barely taught you that! haha. I really love that man. I have so much respect for him it isn´t even funny.
Anyways, I am SOOOOO excited for conference. We are going to watch it here in the offices:) I bought some snacks and goodies and we are just going to have a little mini super bowl party:) It is weird how much my love for conference has grown. I guess it is something about how we get to listen to a prophet of God that gets me a little excited:)
Well I hope you have a safe flight! Tell grandma that Amy´s fun son from the zoo loves her to death!:)
Elder Hackleman
On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Amy wrote:
Well I am currently on a shuttle bus heading to the airport. I flew to Idaho to visit with mom. My flight back has an overnight layover in Denver so I spent the night with your grandma and caught a shuttle from the Loveland airport. I can't wait to be home. Here I am holding kimbers new little baby.
So what's happening with you? Did you get transferred?
I love you tons!
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